November here we come! Faith & Perspective

Where has October gone? I'm sitting here and doubling checking my calendar to make sure we really are at the end of the month.

As always, I'd like to start by honouring your presence and commitment to yourself in our weekly sessions. 
The energy and vibration you elevate to individually and collectively are absolutely wonderful to feel, hold space for, channel and most importantly to witness. You guys ROCK!! The work you are doing and allowing is profoundly deep and transformative. I hope you are seeing, feeling your personal power more and more and feeling clearer. 
I am truly humbled and deeply moved by you.
Thank you x

How are you doing with the new season? Have you started to find balance in all aspects of your life with the external shift of Mother Nature?

I myself feel like I am nearly there. The shifts I have already noticed are the food I am drawn to has changed, the movement my body wants has slowed down into a more grounded space and energy and I am also finding my body wanting to rest more in the evenings. I definitely feel myself going into 'bear' mode ;)

As we move deeper into the autumn season and make our way towards winter I remind you to take extra care of your body, mind and heart. This season can be a hard one to transition into and be in, so I encourage you to pay extra attention to all your needs.

As the Mother Nature continues to bring us back into a space of equilibrium, humanity is now faced with consistent change. This is calling on our higher selves to guide us ‘TO KEEPING THE FAITH”, putting one foot in front of the other, continue to build our internal foundations, keep clearing the old ways of being and reminding ourselves to rest in our internal peace.

Individually we have all worked really hard on ourselves over the last nine years (whether this has been conscious or not) to align with who we truly are. Now is the time to keep the FAITH in who you are and the journey you are on.

Faith is always a hard emotion to lean into when the going gets tough. We all have our own journeys with FAITH. In hardships we defiantly can loose sight of our faith be that in ourselves, a higher being or the world around us.

How do you regain and keep your faith? This is a question that has been asked from the 'beginning of time'. I Do not have a definite answer, however I can share with you how I restore and fortify my faith in the most trying times of my personal life and also when it feels like the external world is unjust and suffering.

One way that has served me and has been my faithful friend and companion is.. PERSPECTIVE.
Perspective has always pulled me back to myself. I look back at a difficult times in my past and see how supported I was, taken care of and given the tools I needed to help me move through that journey to be able to see my strength and most importantly to remind me I made it through. This perspective allows me see the positives in these moments and truly shows me no matter what I am fully supported.

I use this same process when I start to feel my faith being tested with all that is occurring for humanity. The suffering and unjust. Loosing faith outside of ourselves can feel very unsettling.
I branch my perspective wider. I look back at history and the victories that have come over time. I use this perspective and its energy to bring me back to a place of balance and FAITH.


We made it!! December here we come!


Welcome to autumn everyone!! Yes Mother Nature has done what she does best, shift and transform.