We made it!! December here we come!

As always, I'd like to start by honouring your presence and commitment to yourself in our weekly sessions. 
The energy and vibration you elevate to individually and collectively are absolutely wonderful to feel, hold space for, channel and most importantly to witness. This month we have definitely had some moments of depth in some of the sessions. 
The work you are doing and allowing is profoundly deep and transformative. I hope you are seeing, feeling your personal power more and more and feeling clearer. 
I am truly humbled and deeply moved by you.
Thank you x

How are we all doing beautiful people? I don't know how it's been for you, but the last two weeks over here have been deeply intense in every form. With the full moon and eclipse adding to it all, I'm sure I'm not the only one thats had a few sleepless nights.

Yesterday as I heralded in the beginning of MY next year and said goodbye to the last, that intensity peeked in what felt like the final contraction and push thru the birthing canal. It was the push into this next year what would clear out what was needed so that I could step fully into my next year with expansion and in alignment.
But oh my! That push, that birth and work is not easy. I want to say, to everyone stepping in and doing the work, I am with you. No it is not always rainbows and kittens, its hard and mucky at times, but the rewards are immeasurable.

With that said, lets get right to it!
How are you feeling? Ready for some energetic healing and support?
Here's the group session information for the month of December.

Please note there there will NOT be any session on 23rd, 27th December 2020.

Wednesday 30th December will be a session dedicated to
LETTING GO as we move from one year into the next.

Sending you all a reminder, I am here to be of service to you fulfilling my life purpose as a soul guide, channel, light being and healer. Please reach out if you are ready to step into the next stage of your soul's evolution or needing additional support, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I am available for one to one private sessions. I am here for you.

I look forward to seeing you throughout November as we support each other into this new way of being.


Seat Of Unconditional Love & New Session Info


November here we come! Faith & Perspective