Deep Grief

Aloha Dear Heart,

It has been a few months since I last reached out to you, so as you know this means for myself there has been a lot of big personal and life shifts (all good!) : ) … which of course over the coming months I am looking forward to sharing with you.

At this time of big transition, I trust you too have been pouring any extra energy and time you have, into yourself and like myself now and in the coming mouths are finding your way back to your internal foundation.

As we settle into the depths of winter here in the northern hemisphere, this beautiful reflection and reminder came forward this week for myself and to share with you.


Deep Grief

As we collectively and individually …

move through this time of deep grief, we are reminded we are letting the old and tired flow away.

We are reminded to take each minute, each hour, each day at a time. And to acknowledge, accept each of these moments however they choose to come. We are reminded to allow ourselves to truly feel the depths of our hearts & souls, and to allow the deepest of our emotions to move through us. We are reminded to give ourselves permission to be exactly where we are in all parts of our being. This deep release is clearing the path for the soul’s evolution ushering in new energy and perspectives.

Through these times of deep internal shifts and changes our human part starts to feel unsettled, ungrounded, and questioning. Questioning all parts of our lives and the choices we have made so far...


Is where I live in true alignment with myself and my needs? 

Is this life truly in alignment with my being & purpose? 

Do I need a big change in my work, home, or social life? 

We are being guided to keep asking these bigger questions we have not dared to ask ourselves.


Deep dive into the answers. Take note of how you feel.

Do you feel relieved?

Do you feel excited?

Do you feel scared or nervous?

Remember these emotions, they will be your guide and compass as we move further into this year.


We are reminded, the more we allow this process the bigger expansion it brings into our whole being, allowing there to be movement and clearing in the spaces where our deep grief once sat.


This wave we are on may at times feel extremely intense. Continue to hold on, it is not just you who is riding this wave. Our collective consciousness is doing big work, whether we are attuned to it or not.

As always, at these times of deep clearing and big transition we are being asked to take greater care of ourselves. To have more self time, deep restorative resting time, and integration time. To have open and honest conversations with those we love…

…to love and nurture our minds, bodies, hearts, and soul spirits. 

Always remembering your whole collective being is processing, clearing, and releasing.

The January energy is sweet and soft. She invites you to lean into her arms for support as we move collectively and individually through this deep evolution of who we are.

Love Radha x


Letting Go


New Moon Blessings