New Moon Blessings

Aloha Dear Ones… This beautiful New Moon Message came through early this morning as I was Connecting, Grounding & Clearing my body.

You will see this newsletter is not in my normal intimate voice, as this really wanted to just.. ‘be out there!’ We will connect again in our way later on this month. But for now I leave you with New Moon Love & today’s group Energy Medicine Journey, which has the new moon energy vibrating through it.

As we usher in this new moon.. all my spidy senses remind me to stay on the path of truth & authenticity of my own wisdom, intuition & truth. I feel how close we are collectively & individually for the change we have been working so hard for.

The shift from the old tired ways, patterns & narratives which no longer serve us to a new truth, a new more aligned & authentic way to be with ourselves with our tribes & communities.

I see Mother Earth feels this shift within her as well… so we are all collectively rising to meet our next evolution. An evolution which sits in a more aligned way with our collective & individual wisdom.

Through this next Luna phase, to continue to support this bigger shift, my body needs to stay present on this beautiful planet of ours as much as possible (she has a tendency, when uncomfortable or unaligned to want to go away, where she feels safe!) …I encourage her, remind her she is safe here & she is safe to root deep into Mother Earth.

When my body hears this new direction she lands & a calmness comes over my body… a stillness: … I’m able to take a deeper breath.

My experience of the body journey so far has taught me, that this journey can be a difficult & sometimes painful one, especially with all the trauma we carry in it! … however one thing I have learnt over and over agin is...

the more I remind my body she is safe here, the more solid I feel within the core of my being. The more present, grounded & full I feel within myself & for my loved ones.


May you also take a moment each day through this Luna Phase & connect with your beautiful body & remind it… ‘


…then visualize your feet rooting deep into the ground, spreading as deep and wide as they can go. … Take a breath… Thank your body. Thank the Earth. Take a moment to then connect with your body as it integrates this connection with itself & the Earth.


To hear today’s Free New Moon Energy Medicine Journey, CLICK HEAR & find the Soundcloud icon for the recording.

This energy will continue to run throughout this moon phase through the recording. Feel free to use this as much as you need throughout this time.




Much Love & Blessings

Radha x


Deep Grief


Through The Lions Gate we go!