Letting Go

Aloha Dear Beautiful Soul Spirit,

How is your winter season flowing? Quickly like the change of the ocean tides, slow moving like the tortoise or everything in between? … I can hands down say for me …. all of the above!! ; )

It has been lovely to hear from some of you after my last newsletter went out, to hear how you are doing and for your gratitude. I’m truly grateful these words, this channel is helpful for those who connect.

With that said, continuing with our journey of grief, we understand it is not a simple linear journey, there are many twists and turns. Each shift brings in a new perspective, learning, clearing, space and direction.

For myself, through many experiences of grief, I have learnt letting go is such a pivotal part of the path and process. 

If you have ever lost a loved one, human or animal, you will know exactly what I mean. Having to fully let go of something, someone you see everyday a partner, a companion is extremely difficult and complex.

This also rings true for what we carry within us — our emotions, our lineage, habits ,values ,identities etc.

The push and pull we feel can sometimes make us spin and feel ungrounded, questioning ourselves and the choices we are making. 

So, we are reminded of the power and healing that occurs within and around us when we let go


When I let go, the full expression of life flows through me.

When I let go, I feel stronger within myself.

When I let go, those around me too can let go.

When I let go, the paths on my journey become clear and expansive.

When I let go, I attract in all that I need to support my whole being.

When I let go, there is great ease in all I do.

When I let go, I see clearly what I could not see before.

When I let go, life expands & unfolds beyond my imagination.


When you feel you are ready, I encourage you to give yourself the space and opportunity to try letting go of what you are grieving one layer at a time.

Doing this process in bite size pieces, small steps can make the process more manageable and less overwhelming.

I encourage you to be in a safe space where you feel held… take a breath and say out loud or from your heart

‘I’m ready to let go of ….’

‘I give myself permission to release ….’

‘I am safe to let go of ….’

There are many ways to start the cleaning process of ‘letting go’, find the ones which align and feel safe for you.

I have always found the expression of my voice - talking to a supportive person, body work, yoga and breath, ocean time, hands, feet on/in the earth, creativity and writing solid and grounding ways to process deep grief. Giving myself space and time to shift from one layer to the next.

I would love to hear what tools and processes you use to support yourself as you move through the journey of letting go. : )


So Dear Beautiful Soul Spirit, I do hope wherever you are on your journey of realignment, reconnection and truth you are taking care of your whole being, mind, body, heart, energy body, soul and spirit.


In my next newsletter, my channel reminds us of another deep permission we are now giving ourselves. The permission of choice.

Here is a link to my pervious newsletter: Deep Grief.


To all who in one way or another are letting go and finding space within themselves during this time of great transitions, I send much love & blessings from my heart to your whole being.

Radha x


Deep Grief