Happy may day

As always I'd like to start by saying how wonderful it's been to have so many of you at meditation throughout April. It warms my heart to watch us all come together to support ourselves and each other's journey's.

I am always in complete awe of how wonderfully strong the human spirt and soul truly is. How it moves, grows and dances to its own beat. This continuously inspires, pushes and remind's me to continue my personal journey. To show up everyday, to acknowledge how I am feeling, what my body is saying and most importantly listening and honouring those internal voices. To keep moving forward.

As I sat with this feeling of movement, moving forward, I could really feel Mother Earth shift and transition. I started to look within. 
I found myself asking what inside of me needs to move at this time? What inside of me needs to shift? Perspective? External Voice? Internal Voice? Heart Space? Thought Process?...
What voices need to shift so the heart can be heard more clearly?

With this in mind and once again taking my lead from Mother Earth, the theme for May's meditations will be movement. Using the energies of Beltane from April's meditations as a support and guide, they will help facilitate movement within to allow us to continue to move, grow and dance to our own drums.

As we welcome May, we say goodbye to spring and start to see the shift into summer. With all transitions a shift requires movement. Without movement there cannot be a shift.

Radha x


harness the energy of love


The fires of Beltane