

“Radha came highly recommended to me by a friend. I went to see her mainly for a relaxing treatment not really aware of what energy healing was but what happened was incredible and unexpected.  Each treatment since has been just as overwhelming, positive and it wouldn’t be exaggerating to say, life changing. Radha has an amazing energy and connection with something far bigger than us. Her treatment has given me peace, clarity, direction and a unique feeling of connection with the universe.  She has a true gift and her beautiful presence is always a pleasure. She really does practice what she preaches and is a truly inspirational person. “

- S.Anderson - Fashion Associate London UK

“I have been working with Radha for less than a year over Skype and I have experienced a truly drastic transformation. She developed a customized program with energy work for me. Working through past life experiences and setting achievable goals have worked tremendously for me and resulted in major positive shifts in my attitude, spirit and confidence. I have been able to overcome many fears that were interfering with my life. She was also impactful in me recently getting my dream job! I couldn't even have imagined that happening when I started working with her. I am truly great full to work with Radha and highly recommend her to everyone, no matter where you are!”

— N.Chen -Luxury Cosmetics Product Director - Los Angeles USA

"When I need support, I am guided to connect with Radha. Words cannot express how much her work has provided me with wisdom and insights. I truly have transformed. Whatever you’re going through, I highly recommend you too connect with Radha.” -

— C.A.Johnson - Entrepreneur- London- UK

“Thank you Radha for our video session. Your words were so powerful to me. They were tough to hear but uplifting and provided me with some light / closure to a murky time. Much love to you and the gift you provide to this universe.”

— M.Tam - Marketing Manager

Los Angeles- USA

“Working with you has helped me find so many answers to questions I haven't even asked myself yet. It's an experience which is so pure and strong at the same time  - almost like a stream of fresh springwater but instead of that, consciousness. It's a very empowering and subtle experience which leaves me with room for thoughts for days and simultaneously helps me learn to ask myself the questions I need to answer next time. Sometimes it feels very scary confronting oneself in a productive and nurturing way and with your voice it feels easier not to be afraid to do so.

Thank you so much for all the work and incredible advice you have empowered me with to fight my battles and grow and understand myself better.

Who would have thought that a chance encounter in East London would have become such an integral part of my life!”

— T. Dodorova - Fashion Consultant- Europe & UK

I Have worked with Radha over the years since 2013. I feel like she truly sees me for who I am in all it’s beautiful glory, which I have found difficult to accept and nurture but with time and her guidance I have got there slowly. 

She holds you in such a safe, supportive space, nothing is off the table she wants us to truly reveal what is going on and will then guide us accordingly. She offers practical guidance and advice to add into our every day life. Yes she is there to help, but we have to do the work for ourselves. 

She has this beautiful talent of being able to gently reveal her guidance through certain aspects of our sessions, she doesn’t over load you if you aren’t ready, and understands that time is necessary and it takes as long as it takes. 

A few words to describe how I feel after sessions; Listened to, nurtured, loved, open, exhausted (ha), perspective, guided, whole, honest, lifted, understood, valued. 

— P.Griffiths - Actor -Wales - UK

“I am so grateful for Radha. She has helped me through one of the toughest times in my life and continues to do so, as and when I need. She creates such a safe and open space to step into, where I can open up and really see myself. She has empowered me to trust myself and that feels amazing. Her energy is so light and beautiful and I am very appreciative of the healing energy I received from her. She has so much wisdom and insight to offer. I’m so happy she’s in this world”

— N.Elara - Vegan, Raw Chef- Arizona - USA

“Radha I can't express enough how grateful I am for our sessions. It made me realize things about myself I didn't see before. My life has been changed forever and I thank you from the bottom of my heart! : ) "  - N . B.  Hawaii USA

— N. A.Bern - Chef- Hawaii - USA