Hello To All You Wonderful Beings!

Thank you to those who joined in on Sunday's Meditation. It was so very beautiful to have you all in one energetic space. Thank you for your presence. 
 Born out of The East, meditation has been with us for thousands of years as a way to connect to source and has now also become a great tool to help with everyday challenges. 

Like it has for so many, meditation supported me through challenging times in my life.  Allowing me to find focus and peace within, to gain clarity and most importantly gave me the space I needed to reconnect with myself. As I have grown and changed over the years, so has my practice. It has deepened, expanded and continues to serve a great purpose in my everyday life. 

Mediation I believe is a very personal journey, which can be used for the many challenges we face in our lives. Most importantly it is a place just for you to be with you.
How often do we get this time just for ourselves? To have connection with just us? 

This will be a space for all of us to come together. Understanding the importance of each persons individual journey, every session will have my full energetic support, guidance and love.

Each week there will be a different focus to help support you in your life. For example Grounding; working with your root, your base to help you feel more present within your body. This is needed always, especially now in these changing times. These meditations will be a space for you to receive support, relax, be held and just be.

Please remember this is not about being the best at mediation, it is about bringing people together in a safe space and allowing them to feel loved and supported. 
Please feel free to forward this email on to anyone who you feel will benefit from this, your family, friends and community.

I will be live streaming from my home here in Glastonbury UK, allowing the magic of this land to flow through me into our sessions and to feel her support and love.

Much Love Radha x


The fires of Beltane