Energy Medicine Meditation Info & Link
“This simple clean energetic mediation is channeled into your space through your intention to connect, receive, be supported, unblocked and cleared.”
** Scroll down for Link & Recording of the last session.
What do I need to do for the meditation & how do I prepare for it?
This meditation allows you to be on your own journey and meets you where you are, there are only a few things you will need to prepare yourself and the space.
Be open to the energies which are channeled to you and set any intentions for the energy to work on – this may be the reason for coming to the session, or something that you are wishing to embody.
You may be in loss and grief of a loved one and would like some support to help shift the heaviness of these emotions. You are dealing with some medical issues and would like some energy support for the body. You are working through emotional issues and would like the energy to help shift and guide you through this time. You are a caregiver, healer etc., and would like to be held and taken care of energetically, given a beautiful reset.
How do I prepare my space for the Energetic meditation?
The purpose of preparing your space is to make the body feel as comfortable, supported and safe as possible. When the body feels fully supported it is far more open to receiving.
As I am currently doing these meditations virtually, you will be in your own safe space. This space should be private, where you will not be disturbed and are able to lay down or be in a comfortable body position with any additional body support you may need, extra pillows, blankets, bolsters etc.
You will need an electronic device with either a full charge or one that is plugged in that can connect to Zoom.
And the rest is up to you, you are welcome to make the space as comfortable, supportive and cozy as you would like using any supportive tools you may have... incense, crystals, eye pillows, essential oils etc.. Remember you will be in the energy for at least 45mins, so making your space comfortable can really make a difference for the session.
House Keeping
*Please come to the space at least 5 mins before the session is due to start and make sure that all other electronic devices are on silent or turned off. As well, please keep your screen on mute throughout the whole Session, we will have time for brief sharing and question and answers after where you can un-mute yourself.
If you are running late, you are still welcome to join, I will let you in when I open my eyes.
Session Information
Time: 2:30pm - 3:30pm EST
Sept: 1st, 15th & 29th
Oct: 13th & 27th
Nov: 10th & 24th
Dec: 8th & 22nd
Time Zones
GMT: 7:30pm
PST: 11:30am
HST: 8:30am
Free Session Recordings For Playback.