Energetic Medicine

Trying to explain what energy is I have found over the years is really tricky!! How do you discribe something you can’t see and sometimes cant feel, but know its there??

The experiance of feeling is always a great way to discribe energy.

Energy medicine has been the constant healing tool in my own healing journey.

This energy medicine like most energy medicine’s is here to be in service to all who connect with it. Over the years, the more I have reconnected with my true self the more powerful this energy medicine has become. Every new connection with this medicine is another connection with myself. Every new layer of connection with this medicine is a new layer of connection with myself.

One powerful refelction which I am always reminded by in my own healing, self connection joruney is we all need support and guidacen. My has come mainly from Morther Earth and my higher wisdom, however I have been fortunate to have a few beautiful humans who have held the space for all of me. The impact of these experinces have been profound, which drives me to continue of my jouenry of purpose for those who connect with my medicaine.

My healing jorney has been supported and guided not just by my own wisdom and Mother Earth …… this showed me the power of what support and guidance can really do

, reminders and reflections I am able over time to clear and strenghten the inner core of my being and connection to my soul & spirit.

These experinces have allowed me to give myself permission to hold space, guide and use my Energrtic medicane to support indervudiauls throughout the last twelve years.

I have the space internally to reconnect with me

Working in all places and spaces you exitis to clear the blockages which presetn here on earth in the body.

The human experince is about clearing these blockages and which we are experincng in other remlems at the same time as we are experingig it here in Earth. They present differently.

As we clear the blockage in the other remelse which connect to your body her on Earth, we then connect that blocked line to your supreme being self,. This then brings down self wisdom and self healing gudiace throigh that divine line for the body to heal, clear and aline with its ulitmate self. This then allows us here on earth to start to live a life of flow, have a full human experincae, live purpose, live through creativity, live a life of less stress to clear fear, anxity and pain. and not carry and continue generational trauma. To end the cycle.

Teaching the body to self heal. Teaching / guiding the self to hear its voice.

You have Divine lines which connect to every part of your human body (being) to where you are also exisiting in other reamals above you. Every part of the body has its own higher self and is having its own experiance. This work is about educating yourself on your body through energy and clearing the pathways which are blocked.

Humans are more than one aspect, we are experinging and exsisting in many other relems, spaces and places and these exsitances have impact and effect on the human’s life jouenry. Part of the human life joureny is to bring all these aspects of self into alingment. for exaple When a human has a block on their path here on Earth, this block may also be exsisting or even created in another remele. So working with all aspects of the self can have significant impacts on the human life journy.

hrough a combination of Unconditional Love form the center of our universe and the healing heart energy of Mother Earth this channeled energetic medicine holds a space for your full being to shift, rest, unblock, reset, recharge, clear blockage and hear and see your own Divine wisdom.

The more we allow life force to flow through our energy and phyisical body’s the easier it becomes to find clarity, process through grief, make life choices which serve us and most importantly have a healthy and sustainable connection with self.

The healing heart energy of Mother Universe & Mother Earth come together in this transformative / powerful & potent Energetic medicine meditation.

Mother Earth comes into the space with her heart medicine to keep you grounded and connected to your body whilst clearing & connecting you back to the core of your mind, body, soul and spirit here on Earth.

Mother Universe energy medicine comes into the space to clear and connect you to your energy body and higher realms, alinging and clearing blockages in your higher reamls and your connection to your highest supream being self. She facilicates the rebuilding of higher self and body self connections, whilst using your own wisdom to guide this journey.

They both work in unison to fully hold all of you in all place and spaces you exist here on earth and above to connect, realign & remind you of your core being and light.

This beautiful embrace is a place of peace and self connection for any individual who is on the concussion journey of life. Weather that be you are in a challenging time of your life journey or self discovery of your purpose this energy medicine is here to love, guide and support you through the healing power of Unconditional Love.

I have Channelled these beautiful energies over the last decade firstly for my own self healing then for the one to one sessions and group sessions both which I have facilitated in person and online.

I have seen the ongoing transformation this energy medicine has had on herself and all who connect and open themselves to it.

When channeling this energy I feel and see love, openness, expansion and the souls beauty and light for all who are in the space.

Allow / give these beautiful Mothers the opportunity to support & guide you on your journey, through their healing power of connecting you back to yourself, your wisdom and own guidance/ navigation systems.

These beautiful Mothers & their helaing mediacne of Ucondtional Love are here to support and guide you on your journey of self.

Give them the opportunity to help you move through this life with connection to the core of your being, your own wisdom & medicine .

The power of Unconditional Love is profound

The reflection and energy medicine of unconditional love from these mothers has the power to lead you to your own wisdom & medicine.

The reflection and energy medicine of unconditional love from these mothers

These mothers heal through the power of reflection. Reflecting back to us the unconditional love, wisdom & medicine we hold within ourselves. These energy medicine sessions/ meditations hold the space for wherever you are in your life journey.

Using the power of self reflection both Mother Earth and Mother Universe …